
Showing posts from January, 2021

difference between productivity, efficiency and effectiveness

  BEST PRACTICES in MANUFACTURING Continuous Learning is the way to Excellence Difference between Productivity , Efficiency & Effectiveness ?? Importance Productivity, Efficiency & Effectiveness in operation management - These are the are the key performance indicators of an organisations. we can monitor current performance status, need of improvement areas & also can make future growth plan according to these parameters. PRODUCTIVITY ?? - In simplest way Productivity = Output/Input OR The rate of output per unit of input. OR Productivity is a relation between amount of work done & amount of resource used. EFFICIENCY ?? - A capacity of achieving maximum output with the help of least use of resources. a more efficient process have minimum possibilities of resources wastage. OR A process which can achieve max output through optimize use of resources called an efficient process  On the other side less efficient process always requires more effort & re

8 WASTES (DOWNTIME) in Lean Manufacturing / MUDA in Manufacturing

What is MUDA?? 👉 An activity which does not adding any value in spite of using all resources. / An activity which turn down to value addition. / An activity for which Customer not paying.  WASTES are obstacles to Lean manufacturing flow which increase process Lead Time & reduce organisation profitability. Wastes / Non Value Added Activity  DOWNTIME DEFECT, OVERPRODUCTION, WAITING, NON UTILSE TALENT, TRANSPORT, INVENTORY, MOTION, EXTRA PROCESSING DEFECT - त्रुटि Product / Services not as per customer need. OR Product / Services are out of standards. IMPACT -  Reduce Productivity. Required extra resources (like..Time, M/P ,Electricity, Air, Materials) for rework. Scrap generation. Customer satisfaction. CAUSES -  Inadequate Process & Quality Controls. Lack of Skills & Work Standards. Communication gap for Customer demands. PREVENTION -  Process & Quality Improvements through Adequate Controls. Skills upgradation through Trainings. Availability of Adequate Work Standards